Case study

Booster's Leadership Kickoff Event

Booster, known for its innovative school fundraising, sought to elevate its annual leadership kickoff from a standard Zoom call to a more dynamic and engaging experience. The goal was to energize and inspire their top field leadership team with a professional broadcast that featured interactive elements and high production value.

Case study
Type Internal Live Communication
Category Live Broadcast with Interactive Features2-hours • 2-days
Keywords Upleveled Approach
LeaderPass Studios
Interactive Broadcast
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The challenge

Booster’s annual leadership kickoff event had always been a vital part of their organizational strategy, bringing together top field leaders from across the country. However, the Zoom-based format used in previous years lacked the dynamic and engaging qualities needed to truly inspire and motivate their leadership team. Booster needed a solution that could not only broadcast their CEO's address and a live Q&A session but also create an elevated experience that resonated with their high-caliber audience.

The primary challenge was to move beyond the limitations of a standard Zoom call and implement a broadcast that felt more like a professional, high-quality event. Booster wanted to ensure that the event was interactive and could generate positive feedback, while also setting a new standard for future annual kickoffs.

Our approach

To meet Booster’s needs, LeaderPass utilized both its advanced Studio technology and the LeaderPass platform to craft a fully customized broadcast experience. The event was produced in LeaderPass Studios, allowing for a polished and professional presentation that far surpassed the capabilities of a typical Zoom call.

The CEO’s address was delivered with broadcast-level quality, featuring multiple camera angles, professional lighting, and seamless integration of slides and other visual aids. For the live Q&A session, we used our platform's interactive features to allow real-time questions from the audience, ensuring active participation and engagement from all attendees.

Our approach focused on creating a holistic experience that would not only engage the leadership team during the event but also leave a lasting impression. By leveraging the capabilities of LeaderPass Studios, we transformed a routine Zoom call into a sophisticated, high-energy event that reflected Booster’s commitment to excellence.

The result

The upgraded Booster Leadership Kickoff was a resounding success. The event not only achieved but exceeded expectations, garnering tremendous positive feedback from participants. Leaders praised the event for its high production quality, interactive features, and overall impact, noting that it set a new standard for future events.

This success underscored the effectiveness of the LeaderPass platform and studios in delivering high-quality, engaging live events. The seamless execution of the CEO address and live Q&A, combined with the elevated production value, helped Booster uplevel their annual kickoff to new heights, strengthening their leadership team’s motivation and unity for the year ahead.

Booster’s leadership team expressed high satisfaction with the event, solidifying LeaderPass as their go-to partner for future live broadcasts and leadership events. The partnership has set the stage for more innovative and engaging approaches in their ongoing efforts to inspire and connect with their top field leaders.

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